Nonprofit Resources List: #NPCOVID19
Many nonprofit leaders (including our onetime faculty member Beth Kanter and regular mentor Farra Trompeter) have put together a massive nonprofit resources list.
Many nonprofit leaders (including our onetime faculty member Beth Kanter and regular mentor Farra Trompeter) have put together a massive nonprofit resources list.
DreamYard put together a list of helpful links, including financial support for artists, free educational tools, suggestions for self-care and more.
Nonprofit New York has compiled a list of COVID-19 related updates regarding the nonprofit sector on their website here.
Our very own Michael Seltzer has written an article offering advice to funders in the COVID-19 era on PhilanTopic.
Our regular mentor Marti Fischer has written a column for Forbes about maintaining morale in a remote work environment.
Edith Asibey and Jamie Lonie, who often lead our sessions on social media, have written an article on LinkedIn with some tips on conducting remote work.
Faculty member Toby Thompkins has written an article about leadership during the coronavirus, which you can all read below.
Here is a Vox article about basic responses to the COVID-19 outbreak.